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Grow Your Vision

Stop losing money without even realizing it. With BOOST's bespoke business tuning services, we can help you cut down on costs and increase productivity. Unleash the full potential of your business with our help, leaving you more time to focus on growing your customer base. At BOOST, we offer unique solutions that are tailored to fit your business’s needs. Contact us today to set your business on the right path to success.


Stop the bleeding

Procurement, SG&A, accounting are predominant loss generation sources leading to more than 20% of annual revenue bleeding. At the same time, they increase fixed costs impairing the sustainability of your business. These functions still are the main areas of corporate fraud and white-collar crime. They produce business losses mainly due to ineffective control and poor management. Pimp these functions, and your business will deliver you much more profit. BOOST offers you SaaS in the most painful business areas. That can bring you many desirable returns - cost reduction, cash saving, marginality improvement, reinforcement of business sustainability, and enhancement of your customers' satisfaction. When you win in this functional battle, you still have many rooms for improvement. You can continue further business tuning by automated management, automated turnaround, and enhancement of internal controls inside your business.


Turn around

BOOST's clients benefit from the latest in business artifacts that we offer. These tools enable us to deliver transparent, reliable financials and fraud-free processes in the riskiest areas. With HASHEIGHT's smart business devices, our clients have access to the #8 plug & play business tracker for SMEs and the innovative Crystal Ball for large mature corporations. Rest assured that with BOOST, you will have a competitive edge that will help you take your business to the next level.


Keep control

At BOOST, we believe that keeping control of your business is the key to success. That's why we offer a range of business tuning services designed to help you maximize your potential. Our Keep Control services include improving your internal control system, outsourcing internal audit functions, and implementing tailored anti-fraud solutions from U Ultra Antifraud, a part of the HASHEIGHT Group and BOOST Shared Services. With our help, you can take control of your operations and achieve your goals, while protecting your business from fraud. Contact us today to learn more.

Tune your business like a car.

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