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The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

Mark Twain.


My academic writing, books, and publications are related to science and business and can be found here. In my criminalistics work, I study the fascinating field of forensics and examine the use of scientific methods to solve crimes. The books I write about business are focused on corporate turnaround, change management, and business development. Writing about alternative investments and private equity is something I also do. Whether you're a student, researcher, or just curious about these fields, I hope my work is both informative and exciting for you.

Journey into the Mindset of an Entrepreneur

Greetings to my realm of economics, business, and investing. The areas of my professional interest, such as entrepreneurship, private equity, and corporate turnarounds, are explored in depth in my books. Through pragmatic guidance and real-world illustrations, my books offer readers valuable insights that can assist them in reaching their financial goals. Whether you're seeking for ways to launch a business or boost your financial management, I encourage you to explore my book collection.

Holy Bitch Publishers

Holy Bitch Publishers is dedicated to delivering readers with high-quality literature in a variety of fields. Our team understands the value of continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and concepts. We are dedicated to publishing hardcopy and electronic books that delve into science, business, education, and much more. Our mission is to make priceless knowledge accessible to individuals and organizations worldwide, enriching their personal and professional lives.


My research interests encompass a wide range of topics, including but not limited to criminalistics, biology, economics, law, technologies, health science, and history. To gain insightful results that can be applied in real-world situations, my research approach involves comprehensive data analysis and interpretation. In this area, you will find a selection of my published articles, which offer a glimpse into my research work and its impact in diverse fields. Be sure to check this section often for updates on my newest projects and publications.


Join me in exploring the world of Holy Bitch Diary, my personal blog where I share stories about my family, daily life, and interests. I have a distinct perspective to offer on criminalistics, law, history, or business and asset management.


If you do not have time for long-reads, my Black Sarcasm Blog at your service.

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If you want to know, I've read War and Peace… This is really a book. I read it to the very end – and with pleasure. And why? Because it wasn't written by some idiot, but by an artillery officer.

Mikhail Bulgakov.

Study Slanguage.


1. slang; a vocabulary of slang. 2. language employing much slang. (Collins Dictionary).

Diving Deep into Linguistic Diversity

Study Slanguage is a linguistic project that is dedicated to exploring and studying rare languages. Our mission is to provide the broader public with the opportunity to learn about languages that are spoken only by select social groups. We believe that understanding these languages is vital to fostering multicultural relationships and promoting cultural diversity. If you're interested in learning about the fascinating world of rare languages, Study Slanguage is the perfect resource for you.

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