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This is a special guide on how to do business so as to quickly ruin your company, and you quickly go to hell. This section guides how to do "Infernal business" - a business that capitalizes on fraud, destroys the spirit of entrepreneurship, and the soul of "infernal entrepreneurs." Here you will find bad advice on how to ruin your company fastly and effectively to go to hell. If you read them and recognize your business, you know what awaits you if you don't change your entrepreneurial practice. "Infernal business" is based on a fraudulent business model, consumer deception, lies, distortion, misleading, and other ways of the same kind to illegally take money out of a client's pocket. Many companies elevate this "what's the hell are you doing skill" to the level of "best practices," considering as a doubtful achievement these ways of making money: selling expired products, replacing "best before date" tags on takeaways, sending spam, using aggressive neuromarketing, dishonestly stimulate spontaneous purchases of unnecessary things, charging interest at higher rates based on conditions written in microscopic font somewhere on the 140th page of the agreement with the bank, and use other elegant "sources of cash flow generation." The worst way to get a business out of capitalizing on fraud is to prohibit it. But explaining to consumers, among other things, how the "infernal business" makes money and what kind of legal and spiritual consequences such entrepreneurship creates, we can at least make consumers more protected. Explaining to "infernal entrepreneurs" the full scale of their actions' consequences also can make an impact. The vast majority of them don't even consider "infernal fraud" as illegal and don't expect a prosecution for that. In this section, all the business methods of the "Infernal business" are explained, and shown as bad advice: how exactly you need to "earn" money to go to hell in the fastest and the most effective way. We hope that after reading this, many entrepreneurs will change their attitude toward their companies and the business processes organized in them. We believe that consumers will become more protected and stop losing money through the fault of fraudsters.

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