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Image by Julian Böck

Important notice. Pricing information is provided for informational purposes only and is not complete information about the price and the detailed scope of the service rendered by the Corporate Turnaround part of the Squad. For the other Squad's member prices go to their websites. If you are already a BOOST customer, see your Shared Service Level Agreement for tariffs, price list, and information on standard services. You can request an accurate calculation of the cost of services using our online order form. Get the quote if your case isn't listed in our standard order online form.

Regular service

  • Troubleshooting: 700 000 USD per hour.

  • Ad-hoc: 700 000 USD per hour.

  • Project management: 300 000 USD per hour in preparation mode / 800 000 USD per hour in combat mode. The maximum duration is 1 month.

  • Emergency aid, duration - not more than 10 days. 1 000 000 USD per hour combat mode, 500 000 USD per hour in preparation mode.

  • Post-project random hourly rate (if the Client still needs some advice under several circumstances): 330 000 USD per hour.

  • The client shall compensate in full all direct expenses: traveling, taxes, state fees and duties, printing and binding services, office stationeries, software licenses, and others directly related to the Client's project.

Exclusive project

  • 500 000 USD per hour in preparation mode (up to 10 days) / 1 500 000 USD per hour in combat mode (the maximum duration is 1 month).

  • Post-project random hourly rate (if the Client still needs some advice under several circumstances): 330 000 USD per hour.

  • The client shall compensate in full all direct expenses: traveling, taxes, state fees and duties, printing and binding services, office stationeries, software licenses, and others directly related to the Client's project.

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