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BOOST is the management company for the property and assets Meggi inherited. At the same time, BOOST previously acquired the rights and claims to the Vanguard Foundation in connection with its implementation on the territory of the Russian Federation, including the Hermann Goering Green Folder plan and the conduct of an aggressive war against Russia and several other states by this organization and its beneficiaries. In aggregate, since the activities of the 3rd Reich and the Vanguard legal entity, which acts as a form of legal interaction on behalf of the 3rd Reich in modern history, cover a significant time interval, and the crimes are ongoing, serial and committed by one group of persons, then for all For these crimes, the statute of limitations for bringing to criminal and civil liability has been restored. Thus, on the balance sheet of BOOST, a portfolio of claims was formed against the same group of persons, called the 3rd Reich, from their criminal activities in relation to Meggi, her family, and directly to the BOOST company as the manager of their assets and property rights and claims, including the 3rd Reich. Claims arising from Meggi's inheritance rights and claims in connection with the activities of the 3rd Reich in waging an aggressive war and killings, as provided for by Chapter 34 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are addressed to the same group of persons because, as a result of the activities of the 3rd Reich, the Reich on attempts to seize power in the Russian Federation, in the period from the 14th century, they carried out serial murders in the form of regicide and illegal deprivation of birth title holders. At the same time, a group of persons from the 3rd Reich entered into several dynastic marriages and carried out the activities of destroying archives and falsifying genealogies in order to obtain titles by marriage with the heirs of the ruling dynasties. This applies primarily to marriages with the Empresses Streshneva and Naryshkina, as well as the falsification of the Sheremetev family trees, as a result of which the boyars "Romanovs" who never existed became the ancestors of the Sheremetev family. As a result of marriages with impostors like the old woman Martha, Marta Skavronskaya, and representatives of the never-existing "Romanov boyars" with descent from Fyodor Koshka and Andrei Kobyla, representatives of the Brandenburg and Askaniy families came to power in Russia starting from the 17th century, who are also the founders of Nazi 3rd Reich. All the famous emperors of "Russia" who have entered history since the 15th century after the assassination of the last dynastic tsar Ivan IV the Terrible are genetic brothers and sisters of the Nazis of the 3rd Reich including Hermann Gœring, Adolf Hitler, and others. In fact, the 3rd Reich seized power in Russia through fraud and assassination long before the start of World War 2. In addition to Russia, the 3rd Reich similarly gained control of Great Britain through her sister Sophia of Weimar, the Czech Republic, Norway, and other states. The history of the dynastic conflict dates back to the era of the birth of Christ, and the confrontation between the legendary aces and vans, who are perceived by the townsfolk as comic characters in the myths of Old Norse cosmology. These completely not comic but more than real characters and their descendants founded the Vanguard Foundation, and actively applied the tribal traditions of obtaining power adopted in their dynasties - with the help of fratricide and regicide, burning people alive, and other methods that are exotic and incomprehensible to people who are not members of the dynasty. Thus, by the beginning of the 20th century, the surviving heirs of the real titles of the ruling dynasties had everything in the bloodlines of the descendants of the Brandenburgs and Ynglings. Among these surviving heirs was Meggi, who is the genetic sister of Hermann Goering in the 12th generation, the great-granddaughter of Sophia of Weimar (the ancestor of the Brandenburg dynasty ruling Great Britain under the alias "Windsors" by analogy with the Romanovs in Russia), and, of course, the great-granddaughter in relation to the entire line of German emperors from Ascanius who ruled in Russia (Peter I, Paul I, Catherine II, Frederick Louise Charlotte Wilhelmina of Prussia, Nicholas I, and others). Thus, under inheritance law, Meggi has rights to Vanguard's property and assets due to the fact that representatives of the dynasties who had rights to them did not receive these assets because they were killed by the 3rd Reich. Also, in addition to hereditary rights, Meggi has rights to the gold of the 3rd Reich, which was accumulated by Vanguard as a result of the illegal activities described in this section and in the Nuremberg Ring section, since Maggie is the sole beneficiary and owner of the BOOST company. Simplifying the math, BOOST currently has a double check on its balance sheet in connection with the above to the Vanguard group in connection with its activities as the 3rd Reich and waging a war of aggression, and in connection with its activities in destroying Maggie's relatives for illegal inheritance titles and assets, which falls under the legal category of "unworthy heirs." The estimated size of the gold of the 3rd Reich - the income illegally received by the Reich as a result of the 2nd World War alone is more than $91.3T. Since inheritance rights amount to an equivalent amount of claims only in connection with the episodes of 1933 - 1945 are equivalent to $182.6T. Of course, the claims are not limited to only this period and only these amounts. So if international law does not work for Russia to provide us with legal compensation for the real damage caused due to crimes over the entire period of activity of the 3rd Reich, no one has yet left inheritance law, since all rights and titles are inherited by the right of representation, do not have "best before" date, and are passed from the last deceased representative of the dynasty.

And since Meggi, the great-granddaughter of Sophia of Weimar was illegally excluded from the line of succession to the throne of Great Britain, although Meggi is today the senior representative in the dynasty of the so-called Windsors, the question of succession to the throne in this state, and the fate of its colonies, including the eastern part of the United States, will be, of course, is also raised. As for Alaska, since its donation was carried out by an illegitimate emperor and in violation of the law, the donation of Alaska is an invalid trace and is also subject to cancellation as part of the inheritance case and the process of opposition.

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